These directions describe how to change your own password. If you are an administrator, follow this article on how to reset someone else’s password instead.
There are several ways to change your password
- On Windows 10
- Press and hold CTRL-ALT and then tap DEL
- On a Remote Desktop Connection from Windows 10
- Press and hold CTRL-ALT and then tap END
- If you are on a laptop, you may need to press and hold CTRL-ALT-Fn and then tap END
- The Fn key can generally be found in the lower-left corner of the keyboard
- On a Remote Desktop Connection from a Mac
- Press and hold CTRL-ALT and then tap DEL
Changing your password on a Windows 10 machine or a Remote Desktop Server will synchronize it with all machines and all Remote Desktop Servers as well as icExchange/email and icVOIP/Elevate but all this may not happen immediately. It will not automatically change your password for any Thomson Reuters apps, Engagement, or other online services.
All passwords must meet specific complexity requirements. If you attempt to use a password that does not comply, the system will tell you what must be changed before it is accepted.
- Must contain at least one uppercase letter, lowercase letter, a number, and a symbol
- Cannot contain any 3 consecutive letters of your name, regardless of case*
- Cannot contain any 3 consecutive letters of your email address, regardless of case*
- Must be at least 8 characters long
- Cannot match your last 3 passwords
- Must be changed at least once every 180 days
* The system will not tell you if these items are included in your password but icExchange/email and icVOIP/Elevate will not work.