Open Notepad, or another text editor to temporarily store the keys generated during this process. Make sure to type in the type of key before each one.
Configure icRouter
- Sign in to the icRouter and go to VPN → WireGuard
- Open Peer Generator
- Instance = Users
- Endpoint =
- Z: monterey or salinas
- Name = {Users login}
- Address = 10.0.X.Y/32
- X: 101 for Monterey, 102 for Salinas
- Y: Unique number
- Generate a Pre-Shared Key
- Allowed IPs =,10.X.Y.1/24
- DNS = 192.168.X.1
- Copy the config window to notepad
- Store and generate next
- Open Peers
- Confirm new entry is in list
- May be on a 2nd page
- Press Apply
- Confirm new entry is in list
Configure the Always-on router
- Plugin the always-on router to the existing on-premise router using the provided Ethernet cable
- Make sure the cable is plugged into a LAN port on the on-premise router
- Make sure the other end of the cable is plugged into the port with the globe on the Always-on router
- Connect to its 5G Wi-Fi
- The SSID will start with GL- and end with 5G
- The password is goodlife
- Connect to the router’s admin panel
- Its IP address is
- set the password to the regular MRBK admin password
- Configure the Wireless
- Setup the 2.4GHz Wireless network
- Set the SSID to MRBK with the normal Wi-Fi password
- Press Apply
- Disable 5G and the guest networks
- Connection should be dropped
- Setup the 2.4GHz Wireless network
- Connect to the MRBK wireless network
- If using icHelp, the user will need to enter the security key
- Configure the local network
- Network -> LAN
- Clicked Advanced
- Change it to 10.X.Y.1/24 with DHCP range of .100 to .249
- Confirm the PC was assigned an expected IP address
- Network -> LAN
- Update the firmware
- System -> Upgrade
- Configure VPN
- Network -> DNS
- Disable DNS Rebinding Attack Protection
- Don’t forget to hit Apply
- VPN -> WireGuard Client
- Create a new Group called MRBK
- Click Manually Add Configuration
- Set Name to Monterey or Salinas
- Paste in the config that was copied to notepad
- VPN -> VPN Dashboard
- Click the button inside the purple background (may say Global Proxy)
- Change to VPN Policy to “Auto Detect”
- Accessing following domain = Use VPN
- Enter the following into the text box
- Click Global Options (next to VPN Client
- Allow access WAN
- Click the gear for WireGuard client options
- Disable IP Masquerading
- Slide the Enable switch to connect to the VPN
- Click the button inside the purple background (may say Global Proxy)
- Network -> DNS
- IMPORTANT! Reboot the Always-On Router
- Verify they are able to connect to network resources
Make sure the end-user has read about the Always-On Portable Router